Thursday, September 10, 2009

Judah Gabriel Vargas

Dear Judah,
My Firstborn. You are the most amazing kid I know. You are such a people person, your heart is so big. You have never met a stranger. You will tell your life story to anyone that will sit still long enough to listen to you. I often wonder what kind of kid you would be if you didn't have so many siblings or if you were an only child. Would you be as kind, as tenderhearted, as loving, as patient. I think maybe not. I wish I had more you and me time, I wish I could give you all the attention that you crave. I'm sorry I am so hard on you. I know it isn't fair, but I do expect more from you, because you are the oldest.

As I go over your homework with you and help you study for all your tests I am proud of you.
I see the way you play with your baby brothers and I am proud of you.
I hear your determination when you say "Mom even though class (Jiu Jitsu) is hard, I'm not going to quit, 'cause I'm not a quitter" and I am proud of you
Tonight I saw you comfort a sad and crying friend, and I am proud of you. 

I hope you know how much you mean to me, and how sad and vacant my life would be without you in it. I wouldn't trade you for anything or anyone else.
I love you Kiddo,


  1. Thanks for sharing this with us! You're such a good mommy...Judah is a lucky kid to have you!! This brought tears to my're very sweet!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes too. I always knew I was blessed to have you as a friend and after last night I see how blessed my kids are to have your children as friends! Thanks!!

  3. What a great post. I feel like I am hard on Zander too. BTW I have the exact same pic of Z at the zoo, posing, silly boys.


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